New Faculty Information

New Faculty Information

Welcome to MIllikin!

This page is intended to provide helpful information for faculty new to Millikin.  It provides brief explanations and links to further information on topics that new faculty members might find helpful.

Office 365Email Login Information

If you are a new faculty member and you need help logging into your email for the first time please go to the following links for further information.

Mac users:            O365 Email - Mac Outlook First Time Login Instructions

Windows users:     O365 Email - Windows Outlook 2016 First Time Login Instructions

Accessing MyMillikin and MU Online

My Millikin can be accessed by going to the following link https://login.millikin.edu and entering your Millikin username and password.  A brief training video and walk through for MyMillikin and MU Online can be accessed at the following link below  Please log in using your Millikin username and password.


Phone and Mobile Device Info

The folllowing links provide helpful tips with various phone and mobile device issues you may need help with.

Mobile Device Sync

iPhone E-mail

Android E-mail

Windows Phone E-mail

O365 Email - Android Setup Instructions

O365 Email - iPhone/iPad Setup Instructions

Classroom Technology Help

Most classrooms on campus are equipped with media equipment along with a teacher station PC.  This media equipment typically includes a projector, screen, Extron teacher station controls, and sometimes a document camera.  For further information on basic classroom technology please go to the following link below to the Faculty Toolkit page for more information on classroom A/V Equipment.

Classroom A/V Equipment

Media Services

Contact by phone at (217)424-6238 or by email at media@millikin.edu.  Services provided include classroom technology support, equipment checkout for certain items such as camcorders, sound equipment, projection equipment, and laptops for faculty members.  Equipment checkout is typically for 1 or 2 day periods.  Media Services can also provide training on classroom technology and Mediasite which is the video recording platform we use on campus.  For further information on Media Services please refer to the page tree on the left side of the Faculty Toolkit home page at the following link:

Faculty Toolkit

ID Badges

ID badges for new faculty or lost ID's can be acquired in the mailroom/print services department located in Shilling Hall room 104.  For more information please contact the mailroom at (217) 424-6235 or by email at duplicating@millikin.edu 

Mailroom/ Print Services
The mailroom is located in Shilling Hall room 104 and is open from 8am-5pm Monday through Friday.  Also located in the Mail Room is the Print services department.  Please call (217) 424-6235 for more information on print services available.

Replacement PC Information

Faculty PC's are typically replaced every 3-4 years and both desktops and laptops are available by request when your machine is up for replacement.  For More information please contact the IT Help Desk at (217) 362-6488 or by email at infotech@millikin.edu

Skype For Business

The following links provide set up information to get you started on Skype for Business with various devices.  Please see the links below and if you have further questions contact the IT Help Desk at (217) 362-6488.

iPhone - Installing Skype for Business

Mac - Installing Skype for Business

Windows - Installing Skype for Business

Contact Information:

   Millikin IT Help Desk SH106:  phone (217) 362-6488 email- infotech@millikin.edu

   Media Services SH 106:        phone (217) 424-6238 email- media@millikin.edu

   Print Shop SH 104:                  phone (217) 424-6235 email- printshop@millikin.edu





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