Printer Set Up / Authorizing Print Jobs

Printer Set Up / Authorizing Print Jobs

From MyMillikin - Click on Print Balance (Located in the upper right hand corner):

To install a printer, please click the icon that represents the operating system that your computer is running. (We have highlighted the icon for the operating system that we believe your computer is using.)

Follow the Step by Step Instructions to set up the printer.

When printing to a public campus printer, you'll need to authorize your print job in order to allow it to print from the printer.  This also confirms that your print balance will be reduced by the cost of the pages being printed.

  1. Log into myMILLIKIN

  2. Under the "Tools" menu, select "Authorize Prints."  A new Web page will load.

  3. In the left-hand menu, click "Jobs Pending Release."

  4. Click the "Release all" button.

  5. Collect your document from the selected printer.

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