

Below is a directory list of all Account Related Topics available in our How-to Support Articles:

General Account Information:


As a Millikin University Student, Faculty, Staff Member, or Alumnus, your myMILLIKIN account is your primary "Millikin" account.

Most Millikin University services use the same username and password as your myMILLIKIN credentials.

For Example:

  • E-Mail

  • Moodle

  • Wi-Fi Network Access

  • Logging onto a Millikin University Computer

Password Policy:

myMILLIKIN Passwords expire every 180 days and must be changed.

About 2 weeks before your password expires you will receive a notification displayed in myMILLIKIN within the myALERTS section at the top of the page. This will remind you to change your myMILLIKIN password and provide a quick link to do so.

If you do not change your password and allow it to expire, you are provided 10 "grace logins" to access myMILLIKIN to change your password. The myALERTS section within myMILLIKIN will display a warning, indicating that you are using “grace logins” and that you should change your password immediately.

If you still have not changed your password after using your 10 “grace logins”, you must reset your myMILLIKIN password to access myMILLIKIN, E-Mail, and other University Services.