Information about your myMillikin account

Information about your myMillikin account

  • Your email password will be the same one as the domain account that you log into myMillikin or your computer with. When you change it on your domain account, it will automatically change your email password as well. Occasionally you may need to give it 5 minutes to synchronize.

  • Your email address is also your Microsoft account and will be the same as your username with @millikin.edu on the end.

  • Your password will expire every 180 days.

  • You must use a different password each time you change it. Otherwise, you will get an automated email every 15 minutes.

  • To change your password, in the upper right corner of the myMillikin homepage, you will see MY ACCOUNT


If you click on that, it will take you to Account Setup, in here you can change your password, set a password recovery email up, see how long you have until you must change your password, or even request to change your username. 

** A password recovery email is needed for verification in case you can’t logon and you aren’t able to come to the IT Helpdesk.**

my account.png